Военният бюджет на Германия надхвърли 47 милиарда евро

Ангела Меркел призна, че години наред Бундесверът е снабдяван недостатъчно

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Коментари - Военният бюджет на Германия надхвърли 47 милиарда евро | Днес.dir.bg

17-11-2017 20-11-2018


Винаги когато Германия и България са увеличавали военните си бюджети, това е свършвало с губене на територии и национални катастрофки... Само отбелязвам


шайсе шайсе ама ку знайш колко е студено на Колима щи замръзе още сега шайсито))))

http://tapnewswire.com/2016/02/confirmed-anti-german-parasite-angela-merkel-is-a-jew/ - CONFIRMED: ANTI-GERMAN PARASITE ANGELA MERKEL IS A JEW! Marrano Jews: Hidden Jews, often Sephardic like Kate Middleton, Jimmy Savile or Cliff Richard who pretend to belong to the religion of the nation to which they belong but remain secretly Jewish and in full pursuit of the Jewish agenda. ANGELA MERKEL’S TRULY SCARY JEWESS MOTHER HERLIND KASNER: Pegida NRW responded to the comment by stating, “Maybe you are hearing this news for the first time. But the majority of the population is already aware that Merkel had communist Jewish parents and that this woman’s parents weren’t quite right in the head.” Confirmation Merkel is Jewish came out of her own mouth when addressing the Israeli parliament the Knesset in Hebrew. In her opening words in German before the speech she thanked the Knesset for allowing her to speak quote “in her mother tongue” which in that speech is not German but Hebrew, the language Jews alone speak to one another. These are the exact German words which she used to introduce her hebrew speech: “Ich danke allen dass ich in meiner Muttersprache heute zu Ihnen sprechen darf.” It translates to: “I thank you all that I am allowed today to speak to you in my mother tongue.” https://antizionistleague.com/scrapbook/political-movements/politicians/angela-merkel/ - Born Angela Dorothea Kasner on 17 July 1954, her father, Horst Kasner was a Communist sympathiser and mother, Herlind Jentzsch, a Communist and member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. Merkel was educated in East Germany and leader of the official, Communist-led youth movement Free German Youth (FDJ) at the Academy of Sciences in East Berlin from 1978 until 1989 thus well-schooled in Jewish Bolsheviks Marx, Lenin and Trotsky (Lev Bronstein). Speaking fluent Russian and well informed about the Perestroika Deception a recent biography of Merkel shows that she was “a supreme and very visible Young Communist official in East Germany, responsible for propaganda and agitation.” Indeed it even quotes Merkel saying “If we reform the GDR, it won’t be in terms of the Federal Republic” like foretelling the planned insurgence of political correctness into the West. Beyond leading the Young Communist League, Merkel also held high rank in the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschland (SED), which was the leading Marxist–Leninist party of East Germany. Members of this party enjoyed ‘special privileges’ denied to ethnic Germans in East Germany after WWII. For example only closely trusted members of the Communist party (SED) were allowed to travel to western countries and Merkel often travelled to West Germany and other Western Nations. Merkel has visited The Jewish terrorist organization know as Israel four times. On 16 March 2008, she arrived in terrorist Israel to mark the 60th anniversary of its occupation of Palestinian land. Merkel has supported all Jewish Israeli terror initiatives and opposed the Palestinian bid for membership at the UN. In March of 2008 the Jewish B’nai B’rith organization presented Merkel with their Award of Merit for ‘services’ to their community. She received the Coudenhove-Kalergi award only 2 years later in 2010. The prize is given every two years for exceptional contributions to the European miscegenation process and is named for the Hebrew speaking mixed race Richard Nikolaus Eijiro von Coudenhove-Kalergi. Known as the ‘father of the European Union’ the Jewish B’nai B’rith was his original financial support. Devoted to the insertion of Jewry into German history the Leo Baeck Institute of New York City has also presented Merkel with the Leo Baeck Medal. Айде читети си, защо куманизма е винаги оркестриран от евреи. Станишко еврейчето, и той ви оркестрира с куманизам, защо ле. Защото куманизма е еврейска идеология за избиване на неверници ристиени, Гои. Успе ли еврейката куманизка Меркел да избие Германия? как мислите? некой да се пита, защо евреите толко мразът Германия и ристиените, белите европейци, и запалиха 2 световни войни точно в Европа?

след като рашките като рекът ще идат за трети път в берлин

Ако им помага пак целият останал свят може и да идат, стига да имат силици да ходят въобще.

верно ли ? на Козяк тва ли думат? те знаят ли Пърл Харбър?)))

Целият останал Свят отвори Втори фронт не за да помогне на Русия срещу Германия,а точно обратното... Ако не беше Втория фронт-руснаците нямаше ДА СЕ СПРАТ в Берлин,а поне в Лондон!!! Анадънмо,троле?!?