Коментари - Четири терапии срещу новия коронавирус изпробват в Европа: кои са и дават ли шанс | Днес

17-11-2017 20-11-2018


Ето ви един хубав и подробен линк за коронавирусът:

там не е вярна. В Италия нови случаи 3491, а не 5210. Верни са източниците на здравните министерства или на Гражданска защита на съответната държава. Алгоритъмът за извличане на данните за новите случаи не е верен. Смятат се нови заразени + нови оздравели+ нови починали. Така числото е огромно. В Италия четвърти ден намаляват новите заразени.

Специално за Италия в сайта ИЗРИЧНО си го пише как се смята: During the press conference, Protezione Civile officials were asked to clarify what the "change in active cases" ("incremento delle persone attualmente positive") really represents, after our website had raised the issue of Italian media reporting the change in active cases (a lower number) rather than the change in total cases (a higher number), incorrectly representing it as "newly infected" when, in fact, it represents the "change in active cases" Newly infected, meaning the number of people who have tested positive to the virus in the last day, corresponds to the number Worldometer has always reported, which is the change in total cases in accordance with the international standards set by the WHO and followed by all countries. An important figure which can be compared to newly recovered, as we do in our charts. The change in active cases (what most Italian media incorrectly label as "newly infected") is the result of the following formula: (newly infected) - (new deaths) - (new recoveries). Sharing the goal of providing the correct interpretation of data, we are pleased to notice that a few days ago, one of the leading Italian newspapers, Corriere della Sera, began reporting the figures correctly

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