ЕК призова САЩ да махнат визите за всички от ЕС

Еврокомисарят по вътрешните работи Сесилия Малмстрьом призова американската администрация да премахне визовите ограничения за България и останалите страни от Европейския съюз, за чиито граждани все още действа визов режим.

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Коментари - ЕК призова САЩ да махнат визите за всички от ЕС | Днес.dir.bg

17-11-2017 20-11-2018


Just a few words to you, miserable douche bag. I am fed up with pathetic bastards like you, who forget their language and their origin once abroad. I am writing to you in English, because it is obvious there is not space enough for more than one language in your kiwi head. We will be OK, don't bother about us. My only problem is, that every time I want to go to the US I am forced to queue in front of an American embassy while my southern neighbour just need to book a ticket and hop into the jet as well as every single American, no mater a criminal one or a decent person could do to come in my country. I am not sure you would understand all I am saying, so just keep washing dishes and liking fat asses around where you are residing - this is no wonder your usual behaviour. And keep your shitty opinions for yourself, because the smell they arise in the forum is unbearable.

що не ми пускате коментарите бе еййййййййййййййййййй

До: токлев (10.03.2010 г. 17:52ч.) Изобщо не ни дреме, можеш и на майка си гащите да скъсаш!

Mahnat li vizite.......ADIO GAIDURI