Украинската православна църква получи самостоятелност
Новината съобщи президентът Петро Порошенко в Туитър
Обратно в новинатаКоментари - Украинската православна църква получи самостоятелност | Днес
Слава на Украйна ! Слава на Украйна и нейните герои за дето устояха на вероломното нападение на Русия! Нека Бог бъде с вас !
Вселенският патриарх е предоставил на Украйна право да създаде Поместна съборна православна църква. Това съобщи в Туитър президентът на страната Петро Порошенко. Той допълва, че решението за самостоятелност на Украинската православна църква е взето въпреки несъгласието на Москва.
Дори и Бог е за Украйна! Русия и Украйна са в остра вражда, откакто през зимата на 2014 г. властта в Киев мина в ръцете на прозападни сили. След това Москва анексира полуостров Крим, а в Източна Украйна избухна конфликт с проруски сепаратисти, взел досега над 10 000 жертви. Тези събития засилиха напрежението между двата клона на украинското православие и накараха мнозина украинци да обърнат гръб на Московската патриаршия.
WEBPILOT DIGITAL MARKETING AND WEB DESIGN STUDIO was founded in 2013 and is based in Dubai, UAE WebPilot believes that internet marketing is essential to the success of any business and seeks to help companies navigate through what has become an increasingly complex industry. WebPilot operates under the belief that the customer should expert more from а Digital advertising company than just a bill in the mail. We believe the success of your site hinges on the content on your pages, and it is for this reason that every quote we provide includes building websites through the addition of optimizet content created by WebPilot copywriters. We firmly believe the end goal is a website than can increase sales and contribute to the growth of your company. Site: Email: Whatsapp: +79063121620
WEBPILOT DIGITAL MARKETING AND WEB DESIGN STUDIO was founded in 2013 and is based in Dubai, UAE WebPilot believes that internet marketing is essential to the success of any business and seeks to help companies navigate through what has become an increasingly complex industry. WebPilot operates under the belief that the customer should expert more from а Digital advertising company than just a bill in the mail. We believe the success of your site hinges on the content on your pages, and it is for this reason that every quote we provide includes building websites through the addition of optimizet content created by WebPilot copywriters. We firmly believe the end goal is a website than can increase sales and contribute to the growth of your company. Site: Email: Whatsapp: +79063121620
WEBPILOT DIGITAL MARKETING AND WEB DESIGN STUDIO was founded in 2013 and is based in Dubai, UAE WebPilot believes that internet marketing is essential to the success of any business and seeks to help companies navigate through what has become an increasingly complex industry. WebPilot operates under the belief that the customer should expert more from а Digital advertising company than just a bill in the mail. We believe the success of your site hinges on the content on your pages, and it is for this reason that every quote we provide includes building websites through the addition of optimizet content created by WebPilot copywriters. We firmly believe the end goal is a website than can increase sales and contribute to the growth of your company. Site: Email: Whatsapp: +79063121620
WEBPILOT DIGITAL MARKETING AND WEB DESIGN STUDIO was founded in 2013 and is based in Dubai, UAE WebPilot believes that internet marketing is essential to the success of any business and seeks to help companies navigate through what has become an increasingly complex industry. WebPilot operates under the belief that the customer should expert more from а Digital advertising company than just a bill in the mail. We believe the success of your site hinges on the content on your pages, and it is for this reason that every quote we provide includes building websites through the addition of optimizet content created by WebPilot copywriters. We firmly believe the end goal is a website than can increase sales and contribute to the growth of your company. Site: Email: Whatsapp: +79063121620